Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Endeavor, Duex

The Hilary project update: the sons got a smiley face this morning! Way to go! I knew it would be hard to mess your room up while you slept.

Today's endeavor is prolonged, but will only last a week or 10 days. I am trying to stock my freezer with at least a weeks' worth of casseroles and/or prepared meals to be enjoyed post-baby-arrival. I am accomplishing this by simply doubling each night's dinner recipe and freezing half of it. Several years ago, my sister-in-law gave me the perfect cookbook for this endeavor, so I am calling this
The Kylie.

Later, upon further reflection: I thought this would be simple. Turns out,we are bigger eaters than I thought; after dinner there was only enough super yummy chimichanga filling to make six very small chimichangas. I froze them anyway. A little bit of a discouraging start, but maybe I'll use them when I need a little dinnertime entertainment. Just set them in the middle of the table and see if we can reenact that dinner table scene from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Maybe I will have to triple dinner tomorrow night.

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