Friday, February 3, 2012

Rather Informative

Remember me?
Yeah. (Stretches and yawns.) So it's been awhile.  Don't hate.

A few unrelated thoughts:

I wish someone had warned me how addictive shortbread cookies are before I baked them. Just so you know, they are wicked. Evil. Maliciously delicious.

My lack of confidence in my spelling skills is reedickoolus, when I should be far more concerned about my grammar problems. But I'm not. Just so you know, I whole heartedly embrace my poor grammar.  Except for prepositions, something you should never end a sentence with.

My little W.Beans has a modern appreciation for unique, handmade gifts.  She is eroding the baby quilt her great grandmother gave her by constantly carrying it around. And the darling little sweater that her Auntie crocheted for her birthday? She's worn it twice this week.  I peeled it from her body this morning with a promise to give it back (freshly washed) tomorrow.  Just so you know, it is white and she is three. Stains are just lining up to ruin the pretty.

Back to the grammar: My reaction to parenthetical statements is about as severe as my response to shortbread. Just so you know, (in case you were wondering) I {heart} parenthesis and shortbread.

The main floor of my house was pretty well picked up yesterday, right up until that big yellow bus appeared at the end of our driveway.  Just so you know, the house has not recovered from the arrival of those elementary students.

The garment industry has not kept up with the apparent trend toward taller populations.  Just so you know, pants with a 36 inch inseam are a bit rare.

I fully intend to spring-clean my house this year.  Just so you know... actually, how long it has been since our dwelling was thoroughly scrubbed is none of your business.

Well, it is time to put those little female beauties down for naps... and then we'll see how much amazingness I can accomplish. Just so you know, housework is repetively tedious.  And banal.  And only sweet when it is finished.  Pretty much the opposite of shortbread, (but not parenthesis).

1 comment:

  1. Great post all around Honour! I too am a fan of the parenthesis.
