Summer life around the new
Ruffer Homestead has been short of relaxing. However, I always make time to over-analyze my feelings (it is important to have priorities and stick with them). Analysis to date: I don't feel quite at home here, but I am happy. Some rooms have a certain homeyness to them, others are still generic feeling despite being inhabited by our messes. The upstairs bathroom is the most serene room as of yet. This is good, no doubt, because we all spend time there throughout the day.
The amount of work is a little over-whelming to both Corey and me. We naturally deal with this in different ways: he is outside working and I am inside ignoring dirty dishes and walls that need attention. I'm giving myself five more minutes here before I launch attack on the kitchen and then start scraping old wallpaper (who's bright invention was that?).
Briefly then, I'm trying to put together a family party to say goodbye to Mike & Mandi & Ezra. If you know them and can come on Labor Day weekend, please do. We'll even find a bed for you if you want to make it overnight.
Also, please pray for our friends, the Throne family, whose newest member has been suffering seizures and is hospitalized at St. Vincent's. Read all about
Meg Avery Throne, and offer petitions for her and her family.