Friday, October 21, 2011

Or Maybe

There is something about a vacuum sweeper sitting with its unwound cord spiraling around itself that looks so unkempt. Or maybe it is just the un-showered and pajama-clad momma that projects feelings of unkemptness onto her surroundings.

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If you give all your children names that start with the same letter it sure makes passing on monogrammed garments easier. Or maybe that negates the purpose of personalized stuff.

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If you pretend that you're a Scottish housekeeper giving a video demonstration of how to do laundry it makes the daily task a lot more fun. Or maybe it just shows that you have soom oonderlying ishues ya need ta werk oot.

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The Scottish housekeeper observed that it would be much better for the environment if all of mankind adopted a nudist lifestyle.  Or maybe that would make phsychiatrists wealthy.

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The spell check on this thing is broken.  Or maybe I'm just a fantrastic speller today.


  1. I found myself trying out the Scottish accent by reading that part aloud. :)

  2. I vote for the "oonderlying ishues." :P

    You haven't changed a bit, Honour!
